

Sync users against LDAP when is needed.

Sync interval configured by the WAUTH_RESYNC_DELTA setting.
Last sync validation process can be configured by the WAUTH_USE_CACHE setting.

This middleware must be positioned after the AuthenticationMiddleware and RemoteUserMiddleware middleware.

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Simulate a remote user authenticated through Windows Authentication. This is useful for developing and testing without actually deploying the Django project to IIS.

When no actual windows authentication information passed from the IIS, this middleware will inject the request with the REMOTE_USER header, just like if WAUTH_SIMULATE_USER had logged in via Windows Authentication.

This middleware is bypassed when DEBUG setting is not True.


This is a security risk, and allows the impersonation of any user.
It is intended for development / testing only and should not be used on production.

You must configure the setting WAUTH_SIMULATE_USER to specify the user to impersonate.

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It should be positioned as high as possible in the middleware setting to allow for