Using LDAP in your code

In addition to just windows authentication and IIS integration, this module provide you with an easy to use LDAP connection interface.

Throughout your code, you can use the get_ldap_manager function to receive an LDAPManager manager object fora specified domain. For example:

from windows_auth.ldap import get_ldap_manager

manager = get_ldap_manager("EXAMPLE")

With the manager, you can access the ldap3 Connection object, perform LDAP operations like search, add, modify, etc.

Also, you can use the ldap3 Abstraction Layer for a simple python interface. This is how you can use it to query all Active Directory Computer objects:

reader = manager.get_reader("computer")"name")

And even write to LDAP, like this:

from ldap3 import Writer

writer = Writer.from_cursor(reader)
computer = writer.match("name", "test_computer")[0]
computer.description = "Hello world!"


For Security reasons, the LDAP connections are read-only by default. In order to write to LDAP, you will need to configure READ_ONLY=False in the LDAP Settings of each desired domain.

Advice for Model - LDAP relations

Sometimes it is useful to relate a Django Model object to an LDAP object. When doing so, you can easily implement synchronization, and enable easy access for LDAP operation on that object. If you plan to do such thing, here are some tips for you:

Store the LDAP Domain in which the object is from, either as a class-level const, or a Model Field. You may want to event implement a get_ldap_manager method get the manager for the respective domain.

class Computer(models.Model):
    # as a const

    # as a field
    domain: str = models.CharField(max_length=128)

    # using a method
    def get_ldap_manager(self) -> LDAPManager:
        return get_ldap_manager(self.domain)

Then implement a method to receive the exact entry for the related LDAP object.

class Computer(models.Model):
    # ...
    name: str = models.CharField(max_length=128)

    def get_ldap_computer(self, attributes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Entry:
        manager = self.get_ldap_manager()
        reader = manager.get_reader("computer", f"name: {}", attributes)