View Decorators

Provided with this module are some useful decorators to use on your views. Those decorators can be used on function based view normally:

def my_view(request):
    # ...

And for class-based view with the @method_decorator decorator

@method_decorator(domain_required, name='dispatch')
class MyView(TemplateView):
    # ...


Require that the logged on user has LDAP relation with a domain. In case it is not, redirect to login page.

  • domain: Check if is member in a specific domain (default: None)

  • login_url: Login page URL (default: None)

  • bypass_superuser: Allow superusers to bypass this requirement (default: True)


Require the logged on user to be synced against LDAP. This can be used to override the global WAUTH_REQUIRE_RESYNC and WAUTH_RESYNC_DELTA settings.

  • timedelta: Maximum acceptable time since the last synchronization (default: None)

  • login_url: Login page URL (default: None)

  • allow_non_ldap: Allow non-LDAP users to access (default: True)

  • raise_exception: When sync fails, raise the exception and cause response status code 500 (default: False


When configuring WAUTH_USE_CACHE to True, this decorator will re-sync the user in regards to the timedelta parameter