

Type bool; Default to False; Not Required.
Expect the REMOTE_USER header value to be in Windows SPN username scheme.

By default, IIS will present the authenticated user by it’s Down-Level Logon Name, for example “EXAMPLE\username”. Setting this value to True will will expect the authenticated user to be presented by it’s User Principal Name, for example “username@example.local”.


When using SPN the domain of the authenticated user will be detected by the Domain’s FQDN instead of it’s NetBIOS Name!

This means that you will need to configure WAUTH_DOMAINS by created with the FQDN of their domain, and not their NetBIOS Name. This is also means all new LDAPUser domain values will be FQDNs and not NetBIOS Names

If you are planning to migrate between using Down-Level to SPN, first of all don’t. In case you still need to switch between them, you can either manually replace the LDAPUser’s domain values from the old NetBIOS Names to the new FQDNs, or just delete all LDAPUsers and let them be created again when a user login again after change.


Type dict; Default to None; Required.
LDAP Settings for each domain.

Dictionary of domain NetBIOS Names and their settings for LDAP connection. Domain LDAP Settings can be written as a dictionary with the settings in UPPERCASE and their values, or as an LDAPSettings object.

A default domain settings can be used as a fallback settings for requested domains that are missing from WAUTH_DOMAINS by using “__default__” as the domain name. When using only the default domain settings, you may want to specify manually the WAUTH_PRELOAD_DOMAINS setting.

Each of the domain settings can be configured as a function that will be used as callback when accessing the setting and be called with the domain as it first argument. This can be used with lambda functions for lazy setting values.

See also

More information about domain LDAP Settings can be found at LDAP Settings reference.


Type timedelta, str, int or None; Default to timedelta(minutes=10); Not Required.
Minimum time (seconds) until automatic re-sync user’s fields and permissions against LDAP.

Configure when to automatically synchronize the user’s fields and groups (and permissions) against Active Directory via LDAP. On each request the user makes, if the user haven’t synchronized in the time specified, the WindowsAuthBackend attempt to perform synchronization again on the user. This is used to make sure the user permissions and properties match those in Active Directory.

The value is used as number of seconds in int, str or any other object that can be casted to int. The value can also be a django.utils.timezone.timedelta object.

In case you need to synchronize the user on every request, you can configure the setting to 0.
To disable automatic synchronizations via LDAP, you can remove the UserSyncMiddleware or configure the setting to None or False.


Synchronizing user via LDAP can delay the Request / Response processing by only few ms, but your experience may vary. You can debug your setup using Debug with django-debug-toolbar.


Type boot; Default to DEBUG, otherwise False; Not Required.
Use cache backend instead of DB for determining user re-sync.

When using user automatic synchronization, the check whether user requires a re-sync is verified against the LDAPUser model and it requires an SQL Query.

To avoid this query and allow for better performance, this setting can allow you to use Django’s cache framework instead of the default model verification against the DB. This will require you to setup your cache backend in setting CACHES.

In production, it is advised to use the cache setting instead of the default model based verification.


Type boot; Default to False; Not Required.
Raise exception and return Error 500 when user failed to synced to domain.

When using user automatic synchronization, propagate any exception raised during synchronization. This will result with the user receiving a Error 500 when they fail to synchronize properly.

This is useful for security sake, when requiring users to have the most updated fields and permissions. While developing in debug, it is usually useful to receive information about the synchronization exception.

In any case, the synchronization exception will be logged as error with the exception information included. If you have setup logging and email reporting for server admins, you can also receive the exception details by email.


You can configure this per view with the ldap_sync_required decorator. See the reference at View Decorators


Type int or Callable; Default to None; Not Required.
Configure custom HTTP Response for Errors while User automatic LDAP Synchronization.

When a user synchronization fails, you can define a custom HTTP Response to send to clients.

This can be configured as a int, it is used as the Response Code for response with the default text Authorization Failed. This also can be a function that receive the request and exception as first and second arguments, and returning a Django HttpResponse object.

When configured to None the exception is propagated, and usually results in a Error 500 for clients.


This setting is only relevant when WAUTH_REQUIRE_SYNC is set to True, otherwise the exception will be ignored.


Type boot; Default to True; Not Required.
Lowercase the username to mimic non-case sensitive LDAP backends like Active Directory.

Windows systems, like Active Directory are non-case sensitive. While python, Django, and most Databases are case sensitive, you can lower case every username to mimic the non-case sensitive behavior of the Windows system.


Type boot; Default to True; Not Required.
Skip verification of domain settings on server startup.

By default, on every startup of you Django project the settings are validated.

This setting can be used to ignore the warnings raised by detecting users with domains missing from settings in WAUTH_DOMAINS, and Unknown Settings detected in domain LDAP Settings.


Type tuple or bool; Default to None; Not Required.
List of domains to preload and connect during Django project startup

LDAP Connections are cached in process memory to retain connections for multiple request / response cycles. This setting lists the domains to preload, connection and bind during you Django project startup. This way, the first request for a process will not have wait extra time for the LDAP connection to load and connect.

When the setting is configured to None or True, all the domains configured in WAUTH_DOMAINS settings are preloaded. In case you use only the default domain settings in the WAUTH_DOMAINS setting, it is advised to manually configure this setting to preload the relevant domains.

To enable LDAP Connection lazy loading, you can set this setting to False.


When using runserver command, due to the server first validating models before loading the project, it may seam like multiple connections get initiated for the same domains.

By setting this setting, it may cause multiple LDAP connections to be established and terminate quickly for each domain.

You should not be warned by this behavior as this is behaves like a quick connection test to your LDAP server, and this is should only happened during development phase. In case you would like to avoid this behavior anyway, you can use the runserver --noreload parameter, or modifying the WAUTH_PRELOAD_DOMAINS setting to False when debugging.