

Used to same user’s domain information and perform domain related actions.

  • user - One to one relation for user model using get_user_model function.

  • domain - User’s domain name (usually) as NetBIOS Name.

  • get_ldap_manager() - Get LDAPManager for user’s domain.

  • get_ldap_attr(attribute, as_list) - Get LDAP attribute of the related LDAP user.

  • get_ldap_user() - Get related LDAP user as ldap3 Entry object.

  • get_ldap_groups() - get LDAP Reader for all groups the user is a member of.

  • sync() - Synchronize Django user to related LDAP User.

The LDAPUser for a Django User can be accessed via user.ldap. For example, you can trigger sync with request.user.ldap.sync(), or display the user’s Windows Logon Name with request.user.ldap.


The LDAPUser is represented by the Down-level Logon Name or SPN determined by the WAUTH_USE_SPN setting. More on that in the Settings.